

The AcouPipe package depends on the following packages:

How to install AcouPipe locally

Download or clone the AcouPipe repository and enter the directory, e.g. change </path/to/dir> to the desired path and execute:

DIR=</path/to/dir> &&
git clone
$DIR &&
cd $DIR &&
unset DIR

Next, install module with pip. This will install all necessary dependencies.

Depending on the purpose of the installation, different options are available. A minimal installation can be done with:

pip install .

If you would like to include optional dependencies, install with:

pip install ".[full]"

If you are interested in the development version, install with:

pip install ".[dev]"

Using a pre-build Docker image

If you are familiar with Docker, the easiest way to use AcouPipe is by using an existing Docker image from DockerHub. There are several images available, each tagged with the version of AcouPipe that is installed. The latest version is tagged as latest.

The following images are available:

  • adku1173/acoupipe:latest-base

  • adku1173/acoupipe:latest-full

  • adku1173/acoupipe:latest-dev

  • adku1173/acoupipe:latest-jupyter-gpu

If Docker is allready installed, simply pull the latest image with the command

docker pull adku1173/acoupipe:latest-full