Save and load datasets stored in TFRecord file format

This example demonstrates how to load the data from a stored .tfrecord file and to build a data generator.

Save Dataset to TFRecord

At first, a small temporary dataset compounding 5 source cases is created by utilizing the synthetic dataset DatasetSynthetic. The conventional beamforming map is included by specifying sourcemap as the desired feature.

import tensorflow as tf
from acoupipe.datasets.synthetic import DatasetSynthetic

d1 = DatasetSynthetic()
d1.save_tfrecord(features=["sourcemap","loc","f"], f=2000, split="training", size=5, name="/tmp/dataset.tfrecord")
100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:02<00:00,  2.08it/s]

Load Dataset from TFRecord File

To parse the data from TFRecord files it is usually necessary to write a custom parser function that parses the file sequentially (see: TFRecord_ documentation for details).

A potential parser function for the 'sourcemap' feature can be similar to:


def tfrecord_parser(record): """ parser for tfrecord datasets with 'csmtriu' feature """ parsed = record, { 'sourcemap':, # and further features ... } ) sourcemap = tf.reshape(tf.sparse.to_dense(parsed['sourcemap']),shape=(64,64)) return {'sourcemap': sourcemap} # and further features ...

To ease the data retrieval process, the dataset itself provides a get_tfrecord_parser method to obtain a suitable parser function.

parser = d1.get_tfrecord_parser(features=["sourcemap","loc","f"], f=2000, num=0)

With the corresponding parser, one can load the Dataset with the TensorFlow Dataset API

import acoular as ac
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

dataset =

# create an iterator from the dataset
dataset_iter = iter(dataset)
data = next(dataset_iter)

sourcemap = ac.L_p(data['sourcemap']).T
loc = data['loc']
f = data['f'][0]
extent = d1.config.grid.extend()

plt.title(f"Beamforming map (f={f} Hz)")
for l in loc[:2].numpy().T:
plt.colorbar(label=r'$L_p$ / dB')
plt.xlabel('x (m)')
plt.ylabel('y (m)')